DORFSMAN fine arts
Heriberto Mora was born in 1965 in Havana, Cuba, where he completed his studies at the Escuela Provincial de Artes Plásticas “San Alejandro.” Mora made his way to Spain, and in 1993 arrived in Florida; he now lives and works in Miami. Over the last seventeen years Mora has had over twenty solo exhibitions as well as dozens of group shows throughout the United States, Spain, Panama, Puerto Rico, and the Dominican Republic. In the artist’s own words, “My work is a dual bridge between my neighbor and the very core of myself. It is an invitation to create a verbal dialogue and, at the same time, a quiet meditation that returns order and peace. The central theme of my work is the human being, its ongoing spiritual quest, and its interaction with the environment. My paintings are a reflection of the tension between the spiritual and material world, between the visible and invisible reality. One of the most recurring images in my work are windows and thresholds: bridges of light between two worlds, open invitations to new journeys in search of spiritual concepts like unity, peace, and love, among many others.” Mora’s work is part of important private collections in Madrid, Paris, New York, Bogota, Miami, Washington D.C., Havana, Caracas, Buenos Aires, Monterrey, and San Juan. He has been featured in auctions at Sotheby’s, Christie’s, the Miami Museum of Art, and New York’s Contemporary Cuban Art Fair. Three of his works were used in a Hollywood film produced by Quentin Tarantino, and his oils have illustrated the covers of twelve different books. Museum collections include The Lowe Art Museum at University of Miami, Miami, Florida; The Patricia & Phillip Frost Art Museum at Florida International University, Miami, Florida; the Museum of Art, Fort Lauderdale, Florida; the Snite Museum of Art at University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana; Nassau County Museum of Art, Roslyn Harbor, New York; and the Museu Berardo in Lisbon, Portugal.

Pesca interior. 2015. Oil on canvas. 34" x 53".

The empty boat. 2015. OIl on canvas. 29" x 27".

White Island. 2015. 30" x 21". Watercolor on cardboard. 30" x 21".

Ayuno.2005. EngravingPT. II. 11 1/2" x 12".

Untitled. 2005. Engraving PT. II. 11 1/2" x 12".