DORFSMAN fine arts
Born in Havana, Cuba
Feather & Feather School of Design, Houston, U. S. A.
Parsons , New York City.
Ecole Superieur des Arts Decoratives, Paris.
Professional Achievements :
First exhibition in 1959 Lyceum Gallery, Havana, since he has exhibited in Latin America, France, England , Switzerland, Spain, Japan, USA, Sweden, Holland, Italy, and Australia.
Graphic correspondent for Cuban newspapers and magazines.
Director of Channel four T.V., Havana, Cuba.
Director of T.V., programming for Cuban Ministry of Education.
President of Visual Arts Department of the Union of Artists and Writers of Cuba.
Professor at the National School of Art, in Havana, Cuba.
Founder- Director of “Estímulo Reacción” first attempt n Cuba (1970) of experimental performance in which the visual arts, music, dance, and theater come together .
For the last ten years he has been working and experimenting on a project interrelating painting and the varies techniques of enlargement-reproduction.
Mr. Abela Alonso, is part of many private and public collections and has obtained several prizes and distinctions.
Member of (AIAP) International Association of Art (UNESCO)
Resides in Havana, Cuba.

Untitled. 1997. mixed media on paper. 24" x 36". $2,000.00